MongoDB Features & Key Characteristics

Moving from a relational database to MongoDB, IHS Markit reports that it is able to deliver timely financial information to its customers 250x faster. NoSQL databases were created in internet and cloud computing eras that made it possible to more easily implement a scale-out architecture. In a scale-out architecture, scalability is achieved by spreading the storage of data and the work to process the data over a large cluster of computers. These capabilities provide users with many advantages compared to relational databases.

  • MongoDB’s scale-out architecture, which distributes work across many smaller computers, means that you can create an application that will handle spikes in traffic as your business grows.
  • Every database management system is designed around a certain type of data model that defines how the data within the database will be organized.
  • A common example of such a system could be a banking application that requires very strong referential integrity and transactional guarantees to be enforced to maintain exact point-in-time integrity of data.
  • MongoDB saves you from using heavy wrappers and allows you to store and access data in the most simple way.
  • It is an open-source document-based tool used for high-volume data storage.

MongoDB is an open-source document-oriented database that is designed to store a large scale of data and also allows you to work with that data very efficiently. It is categorized under the NoSQL database because the storage and retrieval of data in the MongoDB are not in the form of tables. Unlike SQL databases, where you must determine and declare a table’s schema before inserting data, MongoDB collections, by default, do not require your documents to have the same schema. A transactional database is a database that supports ACID transactions. A transaction is a set of database read and write operations where all or none of the operations are successful.

Advantages of NoSQL Databases

Each running instance of MongoDB that’s part of a given replica set is referred to as one of its members. Every replica set must have one primary member and at least one secondary member. Another example of Mongo’s flexibility is how it offers multiple avenues for interacting with one’s data.

MongoDB Advantages

To use relational databases, a data model must be designed and then the data is transformed and loaded into the database. Thanks to the document model used in MongoDB, information can be embedded within a single document rather than relying on the JOIN operations of traditional relational databases. As mentioned before MongoDB uses documents as a base data store, this allows almost any data structure to be modelled and manipulated easily. MySQL, like many relational databases, uses structured query language for access. MongoDB can also be scaled within and across multiple distributed data centers, providing new levels of availability and scalability previously unachievable with relational databases like MySQL.

Handle large volumes of data at high speed with a scale-out architecture

Entrepreneur, Coder, Speed-cuber, Blogger, fan of Air crash investigation! A social networking site where users can share posts, like MongoDB vs PostgreSQL each other’s posts and comment on each other’s posts. Another one of the major limitations of MongoDB is the duplication of data.

These values are stored in documents which are then stored in a collection. MongoDB has been developed on a scale-out architectural format that developers find easy to work with, especially to craft apps with changing data schemas that can be scaled. Unlike other services, MongoDB Atlas offers fully managed database services through your choice of cloud provider, including AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Time Series Data

Sharding is the process of dividing data from a large set and distributing it to multiple servers. MongoDB is built on a scale-out architecture that allows developers to build applications using agile methods. It is popular among developers as it helps them build internet and business applications. Harness the potential of database sharding to distribute the database into several clusters. With database sharding, you will get an increased storage capacity and also quicken the query response rate.

MongoDB Advantages

The document model is a lot more natural for developers to work with because documents are self-contained and can be treated as objects. This means that developers can focus on the data they need to store and process, rather than worrying about how to split the data across different rigid tables. MongoDB Atlas is the leading global cloud database service for modern applications. Using Atlas, developers can deploy fully managed cloud databases across AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Relational databases store data in structured tables that have a predefined schema.


Founded in 2007, MongoDB has a worldwide following in the developer community. Fields are key-value pairs in the documents, it is just like columns in the relation database. The value of the fields can be of any BSON data types like double, string, boolean, etc. Since stored data isn’t structured vertically, it can be spread, or “sharded,” over multiple commodity servers, with the option to easily add more as necessary.

MongoDB Advantages

MongoDB is available in any major public cloud through MongoDB Atlas, in large data centers through the Enterprise Advanced edition, or free through the open-source Community edition. MongoDB Charts, an easy-to-use interface to create stunning dashboards and visualizations. The Performance Advisor, which provides you with recommendations to optimize your database. You don’t need to worry about preparing data before experimenting with it.

Change-friendly structure

Service-level agreements from the leading cloud service providers will detail their expected downtime. In order to function, cloud services rely on robust connections to the internet, which are sometimes out of the control of the cloud service provider. In these instances, it makes sense to consider spreading the risk of failed connections across multiple sites.

MongoDB can be a cost effective solution because improves flexibility and reduces cost on hardware and storage. To use MongoDB with .NET, let’s first start with installing and setting up the MongoDB server. You cannot perform the nesting of documents for more than 100 levels. Ergo, the platform has been updated to ensure that emerging demands can be fulfilled.

MongoDB – Advantages

MongoDB is designed to make data easy to access, and rarely to require joins or transactions, but when you need to do complex querying, it’s more than up to the task. If you have a cloud hosting service, you should set up MongoDB with security guidelines because cloud hosting services are internet-accessible servers. The database server ensures data storage across the cluster nodes, effectively eliminating the possibility of a single point of failure.






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